Bio 251

This webpage has been created as a supplement for students taking Microbiology 251 lab. Much effort has been put in this website to ensure that there is no mistakes; however, there may be some mistakes, so please pay attention! Please remember this website is a supplement - it may not include everything you have done or are responsible for and should not be your only source for studying the material. Hence, you are still expected to read your lab manual in depth, your textbook from lecture, and attend the lecture to understand concepts. However, if you need help always go to your TA, UTA, and/or your professor.

All "Lab Report Questions" and "Review Questions" must be completed for each lab section. You may have to use outside sources (such as the websites below) in order to answer the questions.

Important Links

Note: (The microbiology links may have different information or inaccurate information so be careful)